Will Car Accident Lawyer In Waterloo Explain The Process of Pedestrian Accident Claims

Everyone dreams to own a vehicle but not all are able to cherish that dream in reality. Most of the pedestrians we see on roads are such people who don’t own a vehicle but that doesn’t mean they don’t have a right to use the road. 3 out of 5 road accidents that take place are pedestrian accidents, which indeed is a sad reality. Most of these accidents take place due to the vehicle driver’s negligence. If you want to help someone who has suffered in a pedestrian accident recently, then you will need to consult with Car Accident Lawyer in Waterloo.

Reasons for Pedestrian Accidents: To begin with, we will first discuss the reasons for pedestrian accidents. According to a professional Car Accident Lawyer in Waterloo, these accidents take place due to the following reasons:

•    Drunken driving
•    Traffic violations
•    Poor weather
•    Poor lighting
•    Over speeding
•    Distracted driving
•    Use of mobile phone while crossing the road by the pedestrian

Injuries Suffered in Pedestrian Accidents: Second important thing to know about pedestrian accidents is what kind of injuries one may suffer due to such accidents. A plaintiff may end up suffering minor to severe injuries in such accidents like bruises, scratches, bone fractures, ligament or muscle damage, spine injuries, neck or back injuries, head and limb injuries. At the worst, these accidents may also turn into wrongful deaths.

Contributory Fault: As told before, mostly the driver is held liable for such accidents but exceptions are always there! Yes, in pedestrian accidents too, even the pedestrian who gets hurt may be at certain level of fault. This is what we call contributory negligence or fault on part of the plaintiff. As per a qualified Car Accident Lawyer in Waterloo this clause takes place when the pedestrian is found guilty to some extent for the accident. If that is the case, then the settlement amount received by the plaintiff may either be rejected or reduced in accordance to the percentage of fault in the accident.

Compensation to Demand: Up next, we got to know from an ace Car Accident Lawyer in Waterloo about the claims worth demanding for such cases. Generally, a plaintiff in such cases may demand claims for all the medical bills, travelling expenses for medical check-ups and treatments, lost wages, loss of earning capacity, pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment from life, loss of property, loss of consortium and emotional distress. In some exceptional and severe cases, even punitive damages may be claimed to teach a lesson to the defendant involved in a pedestrian accident.

Role of a Car Accident Lawyer in Waterloo: Lastly, we would conclude saying that the complexity of dealing with pedestrian accidents can be simplified by consulting an experienced injury lawyer. These are experienced professionals who will first investigate your case from the scratch and collect the right evidences to demand the right compensation from the defendant. Visit Here: BLW Injury Law

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